Findle Wiki

Lyttan (Leet-an) is the daughter of Cernunnun and the younger sister of Materan. She is the youngest of the titans and was once the herald of the gods, often being portrayed as a young red haired woman with a war horn. She was always seen as charming and graceful much like her sister, but being the daughter of Cernnunun she was born with the savage temper of a wild animal. Overtime, she grew to love bloodshed for its own sake and turned on the other Empyreans. She retained all of her grace and charm but was filled with an unquenchable thirst for blood and war.

To the casual churchgoer, Lyttan is viewed as the god of madness, blasting her horn to sew chaos through the peoples of Ord. To her followers, she is beauty incarnate and she encourages her followers to spread fear and savage violence whenever she is unable.

She has earned an eternal prison sentence for repeated offences to the gods, ranging from the destruction of mortal empires to leading armies of demons against the other titans.

Aberrations bend to her will and her taste for death and destruction is endless. Should she ever be released into the mortal realm again, only a worldwide unification of faith and might could stop the army lead by this dark and fearsome goddess.

Lyttan's holy symbol before her madness and imprisonment was a golden war horn. Some in the church still use this holy symbol. 



Cleric Domains[]

DeathDom ChaosDom ZealDom
